the tradition of the past and the technique of the present


79 years of history in Dão region


Located in the heart of Dão, União Comercial da Beira is one of the oldest wine producers of the region, with a wine portfolio full with brands that are known in the national and international markets.



Vinhos do dãoWines from Dão
Vinhos da beira interiorWines from Beira Interior
Vinhos de mesaTable Wines

Dos tempos ancestrais o Dão é o berço das icónicas castas Touriga Nacional e Encruzado. Vinhos de perfil clássico com distinta acidez e enorme potencial de longevidade. Carácter, equilíbrio e elegância. Dão is the birthplace of the iconic varieties Touriga Nacional and Encruzado. Classic wines, with a distinctive acidity and a great aging potential. Character, balance, and elegance.

A Beira Interior é sinónimo de altitude, rodeada de serras, afirma-se como a região vitivinícola mais alta de Portugal. Brancos aromáticos e frescos com forte valência gastronómica, e tintos carregados de cor e aromas primários. Beira Interior, a region of peaks and surrounded by mountains, is the highest wine making region in Portugal. Flavorful and fresh white wines with strong gastronomic value and reds full of color and primary aromas.

Portugal é rico nas tradições e na arte de produção de vinhos. A diversidade de terroirs origina vinhos ecléticos de personalidade que se fundem com a gastronomia mediterrânica. Tintos de cor rubi com notas de frutos vermelhos e brancos frescos e minerais.Portugal has a rich heritage in the art of wine making. Our diversity of terroirs creates wines with unique personalities that merge perfectly with the Mediterranean cuisine. Ruby colored reds with hints of red berries and fresh and mineral whites.


A beautiful estate with a view towards Serra da Estrela and Caramulo, where the majestic magnolia is the guardian of the vineyard. A symbol of a beloved connection with this special place.



Our wine making team goes through the vast acres of vineyard every day. A daily care. An unending passion.

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The mission to create unique wines that take this region and our history to the four corners of the world. Art and detail.

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The essence, our best kept secret, that we cherish and protect. Authenticity and a strong personality.

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History being made. A silence that can be heard. UCB wines.